
Remedios Zafra (Zuheros, Córdoba, Spain, 1973) is a writer and is a Tenured Research Scientist at the Institute of Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She has been full time professor of Art, Innovation and Digital Culture at the University of Seville (2002-2020) and professor of "Politics of the Gaze" in the Masters Degree In Theory And Cultural Criticism of the Carlos III University of Madrid. PhD of Fine Arts, International Master’s Degree in Creativity and higher studies in Art, Philosophy and Social and Cultural Anthropology.  Her research studies and books have been aimed at the interrelationship between "Art and Technology", "Feminist and Gender Studies" and "Critical Theory of Digital Culture".

Her work has been translated into Italian and English and she has received important awards for her essays, literary and research works on gender, identity and the network culture, among these: National Prize for Essays "Carmen de Burgos 2000"; Research Prize "Leonor de Gúzman 2001"; National Prize for Essay "Caja Madrid 2004"; Award for Poetry "Antonia Perez Alegre 2005", International "Prize for Literature of the rural womens" of the Government of Spain 2007, honourable mention in the "Prize for Writings on Art 2009", and Prize for Non-sexist Communication of the ADPC [Association of Women’s Journalists of Catalonia] 2010, among others.

She was visiting scholar in the Royal College of Art, University of London, 2011; in Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of the Arts London, 2010; in Slade School of Fine Arts, University College London, 2003; in the Institute of Philosophy of the Superior Council for Scientific Investigation (CSIC) 2006; and the University Institute of Women’s Studies of the Autonomous University of Madrid (2003-2004)

Remedios Zafra is currently the director of an international research project entitled “Gender and Cyberspace through Art and visual representation” (Ministry of Science and Innovation) and person in charge of the social research and innovation project “Gender and imaginary in studies and professions linked to engineering” in collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering of Deusto an the Institute of Technology, DeustoTech (University of Deusto, Bilbao, 2011-2012)

She was director of “X0y1" (www.x0y1.net), "project for research and artistic production of network identity and digital culture”; and person in charge of the I International Meeting on “Gender and Cyberspace” held in the Andalusian Centre for Contemporary Art (CAAC). She was editor and founder of the magazine “Mujer y Cultura Visual” [Women and Visual Culture; coordinator of the “Art” section of the Red Digital [Digital Network] magazine and director of the seminar “net.art (exergo)” in the Festival "Digital Worlds" (A Coruña, Spain, 2004)

Between 2005 and 2006 she formed part of the working group on “Art, Science and Technology” of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and presented the green book on "La intersección Arte-Ciencia-Tecnología en el Estado Español" [The Art-Science-Technology intersection in the Spanish State].

She has been curator, among other things, of the net.art exhibition “Violencia sin Cuerpos” [Violence without Bodies] within the interdisciplinary project "Cárcel de Amor. Relatos culturales sobre la violencia de género" [Prison of Love. Cultural accounts of gender violence] of the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte REINA SOFÍA (MNCARS, Madrid, Spain) in collaboration with the Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Párraga de Murcia, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Almagro, Centre d’Art de la Panera, Centro de Arte Caja de Burgos, Centro Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo Artium, Filmoteca de Canarias y CaixaForum de Barcelona (2005-2006). She organised the first net.art and cyberfeminism exhibition in Spanish: Habitar en (punto)net [Inhabiting in (dot)net], Espai>f, Mataró, Barcelona, 2003.

Remedios Zafra has published works in numerous prestigious national and international magazines, books and editorials specialised in contemporary art and culture, such as: Estudios Visuales (Visual Studies), ArteContexto, Asparkía, Aleph, SINC, Diagonal, A-Minima, Red Dicital, Papers d'Art or Feminismo-s.

She is AUTHOR of the books:

-"El entusiasmo. Precariedad y trabajo creativo en la era digital". Anagrama, Barcelona, 2017.

-"Los que miran". Fórcola, Madrid, 2016.

-"Ojos y Capital". Consonni, Bilbao, 2015.

-"(h)adas. Mujeres que crean, programan, prosumen, teclean". Páginas de Espuma, Madrid, 2013.

_"Un cuarto propio conectado. (ciber)espacio y (auto)gestión del yo" (Fórcola, Madrid, 2010, 2011).

_A connected room of one's own. (Ciber)Space and ((self)management of the self, (Fórcola, 2012).

_”Netianas N(h)acer mujer en Internet" (Lengua de Trapo, Madrid, 2005).

_"Habitar en (punto)net. Estudios sobre mujer, educación e Internet" (University of Córdoba, 2004).

_“Las cartas rotas. Espacios de igualdad y feminización en la Red"; (Almería, 2005).

_Edentidades: loaging-searching-doing (cartografías del sujeto online), Web-Side, Mediateca CaixaForum, 2004.

_ "Lo mejor (no) es que te vayas” (Government of Spain, Madrid, 2007).

_ and the book of poetry "Habitaciones Amarillas" (Briseño Editores, 2006).

She has coordinated, among others, the first e-book X0y1 (www.x0y1.net/ebook) #ensayos sobre género y ciberespacio (essays about gender and cyberspace) (Briseño, Madrid, 2010).


Since the year 2000 she has given conferences and seminars on digital art and culture in different institutions, seminars and congresses. Included among these and worthy of particular mention is one of the first conferences on art and cyberfeminism in the Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid together with Mary Flanagan in March 2001, and the conference on social networks in Voces, SOS festival, Murcia, together with Lev Manovich.

Remedios Zafra coordinated the course “Ser/Estar en Internet. Dinámicas del sujeto conectado” [Being on the Internet. Activities of the connected being] (Autonomous University of Madrid, 2009), coordinator of numerous academic courses and lecturer in numerous postgraduate, master and international and inter-university doctorate degree programmes since 2002, among which: Doctorate degree in Visual Art and Education in the University of Seville (courses: “artistic practices of the net and forms of collectivity and social action”); Master's degree in Humanities of the University Carlos III of Madrid (subject: Art and New Technologies); Master’s Degree in Gender Studies in the University of Seville(subject: Gender and Representation); Master’s Degree in “Equal Opportunity Agents” of the University of Lerida (subject: Feminist Theory); Postgraduate Degree in Visual Culture of the University of Barcelona; University Master’s Degree in Art and New Technologies of the European University of Madrid; Master’s Degree in Gender and Politics of Equality of the University of La Coruña; University Master's Degree in Advertising Management and Public Relations in Digital Communication of the University of Malaga.

She has also been director of communications of w3art (www.w3art.es); director of communication of the magazine Acción Paralela (www.accpar.org/) and collaborator in Aleph (http://aleph-arts.org); advisor and collaborator on numerous academic and social projects on art, gender and digital culture; member of university networks and scientific committees of magazines on Contemporary Culture.

In the year 2000 she was awarded a grant by Mecad (Media Centre d'Art i Disseny of the Superior School of Design ESDI, Barcelona) to develop the research into “Subversive Forms of femininity in network art”. Between 1996 and 1999 Remedios Zafra obtained a grant in the Master’s Degree in Creativity MICAT (Santiago de Compostela, Spain), where she developed the research work: "Ceativity and Democracy on the Internet”.





cuarto propio conectado









MAYO 2024 / El informe.
Trabajo intelectual y tristeza burocrática (Anagrama)


Premio Anagrama de Ensayo
5ª edición 2023


Premio Internacional de Ensayo Jovellanos 2022 (4ª edición)


2ª edición 2022

3ª edición 2020



Premio Málaga de Ensayo 2013


